Broadmeadow Special School – Attendance
At Broadmeadow we have reviewed our attendance policy; this is in line with the government paper ‘Working Together to Improve School Attendance’.
‘Improving attendance is everyone’s business. The barriers to accessing education are wide and complex, both within and beyond the school gates, and are often specific to individual pupils and families. The foundation of securing good attendance is that school is a calm, orderly, safe, and supportive environment where all pupils want to be and are keen and ready to learn.’
Working Together to Improve School Attendance September 2022
Here at Broadmeadow we do have a high attendance rate, but could do a little better. By making small changes to our practice we hope that we can improve. As parents and carers there is a legal duty for your child to be in school when school is open (Education Act 1996).
We are committed to providing our pupils high quality and creative learning in a safe and nurturing environment as detailed above. Pupils make progress and are happy in school. We will continue to ensure school cleaning arrangements remain robust and of high quality, to minimise the spread of infection.
We ask our families to make these small changes to maximise their child’s educational opportunities;
- We will never ask you to send poorly children in school; if your child is unwell, please let them stay home to recover. That said, we also recognise children can still attend school with minor ailments such as coughs, colds, mild constipation etc. If children are well in themselves, please do send them in. If they are ill in school, we will call you.
- Please where possible try to arrange family holidays in school holiday times.
- Please bring your child in school before and after medical appointments.
- Many of our pupils do not sleep well. However, where possible please do still send them to school as this keeps them in routine. Letting children sleep during the day will impact on the following night. Absence for sleep will not be authorised unless there are special/exceptional circumstances.
- Our school day ends at 3pm. Please do not ask to collect your child early from school other than for exceptional circumstances.
- Children need to be in school for a 9am start. Please avoid bringing your child in to school late unless this is for an appointment.
We thank you for your support, and helping us to achieve our attendance of 95%.
Please also see our attendance policy for further information.
We have a dedicated attendance line; please call this to notify us of your child’s absence. Alternatively, text or call the school mobile on; 075464044248. Please also contact Boulton Travel on 01902 601961.