Using Workstations
Some children in school use a workstation that is based on the TEACCH philosophy that originated in the USA in the 1960s
Some individuals with learning needs and many of those on the Autistic Spectrum need structure in order to feel secure in what can be a very confusing world. A workstation is effective for many children because it incorporates the structure, routine, visual cues and limits distractions. This in turn helps to develop independence, organisational skills, the concept of working in an ordered manner, the concept of ‘finished’ and the generalisation of skills. It also contributes to the well being of the children when they can succeed in completing their work.
The use of a visual system removes the requirement for children to process verbal instructions when for some children this is a major barrier.
How is TEACCH delivered at Broadmeadow?
Initially, children are taught how to ‘operate’ the system. Tasks are provided for the child in trays – usually located in a unit on the left-hand side of a table (labelled ‘start’). The child removes the tray, completes the activity on the table and then returns it to the tray. The child then slots the tray into the unit on the right-hand side (labelled ‘finished’). This continues until all activities are completed. The tasks are used to reinforce teaching that has already taken place and not to introduce new learning. Only tasks that the child can do independently are used and all necessary materials are organised in the tray.