Art & Design Curriculum Scheme
Autumn A – Painting and Drawing |
Sensory Experience |
Intentional |
Skill Development |
Functional Skills |
Applied Skills |
- Experiences a range of media and tools utilising all of the senses e.g. spice-scented paint, crayons, chalk pastels
- Reaches for and grasps tools and media
- Notices random marks they make using various media
- Demonstrates interest in media through exploration and may develop preferences
- Uses tools and media appropriately
- Increasingly controlled mark making e.g. lines, simple shapes
- Uses more than one colour/form of media at a time, unintentionally mixing and blending
- Selects the correct tools for a specific purpose e.g. paintbrush to paint, rubber to erase
- Uses tools in different ways e.g. chalk pastels to draw and blend
- Selects appropriate media/colour for a purpose, blending and mixing intentionally e.g. green paint for grass
- Demonstrates enjoyment of drawing and painting and appreciation of others’ work
- Purposefully selects and uses a range of media to express meaning
- Creates recognisable finished products with increasing detail e.g. painting of a garden
- Uses shading, tinting and tone to express meaning and mood
Autumn B – Collage and Textiles |
Sensory Experience |
Intentional |
Skill Development |
Functional Skills |
Applied Skills |
- Experiences a range of materials with varied properties utilising all of the senses e.g. shiny, soft, rough, heavy, light
- Reaches for and grasps materials
- Noticing the effect of own actions e.g. tearing, scrunching paper
- Demonstrates interest in materials through exploration and may develop preferences
- Uses tools and media appropriately
- Begins to notice simple shapes and patterns
- Uses more than one type of material for a piece e.g. foil for stars, pom pom for the moon.
- Selects the correct tools for a specific purpose e.g. scissors to cut, glue to stick
- Selects specific materials for a given purpose e.g. feathers for a bird, blue voile for the sea
- Manipulates and arranges materials intentionally to produce a desired effect e.g. scrunched up tissue paper for flowers.
- Demonstrates enjoyment of using collage and appreciation of others’ work
- Purposefully selects and uses materials with varying properties to express meaning
- Creates a piece with deliberate and recognisable characteristics e.g. distinct patterns, collage of seaside.
Spring A – Culture |
Sensory Experience |
Intentional |
Skill Development |
Functional Skills |
Applied Skills |
- Experiences a range of malleable and non-malleable construction materials utilising all of the senses e.g. clay, twigs, bricks, straws.
- Reaches for and grasps materials and tools
- Noticing the effect of their own actions e.g. imprint in the clay.
- Demonstrates interest in materials through exploration and may develop preferences
- Uses tools and media appropriately
- Experiments with shape, positioning, size and manipulation of materials e.g. rolls, pinches, cuts clay, bends straws.
- Uses more than one type of material for a piece e.g. clay and twig hedgehogs
- Selects the correct tools for a specific purpose e.g. specific shape cutter, a string to secure items
- Purposefully manipulates and positions materials in various ways e.g. breaks twigs to a smaller size, stacks
- Selects specific materials for a given purpose e.g. sticks for spikes
- Demonstrates enjoyment of creating sculptures and appreciation of others’ work
- Creates recognisable finished products with increasing detail e.g. making a face from natural materials
- Purposefully selects and uses a range of techniques to express meaning
- Uses knowledge of resources to create a stable structure varying in shape and texture
Spring B – Digital Art |
Sensory Experience |
Intentional |
Skill Development |
Functional Skills |
Applied Skills |
- Experiences digital equipment through movement and looking e.g. coloured frames, apps, lightboxes, sensory room equipment.
- Reaches for and grasps digital tools
- Noticing the effect of their own actions e.g. interactive floor mat, using Paint software, eye gaze, presses a button to take a photo without aiming.
- Demonstrates interest in digital resources through exploration and may develop preferences
- Uses simple software and digital resources appropriately
- Experiments with shape, positioning, size and manipulation of resources e.g. moving camera lens to aim purposefully, selecting a colour on Paint software.
- Uses more than one type of resource for the same purpose e.g. iPad and digital camera.
- Selects the correct resources for a specific purpose e.g. camera to take a photo, different brushes on Paint software to create desired effect.
- Purposefully manipulates and positions materials in various ways e.g. lighting, aiming the camera in different directions to create an effect, zoom on the camera lens.
- Demonstrates enjoyment of creating and sharing digital art and appreciation of others’ work.
- Creates recognisable finished products for a given purpose e.g. documenting an activity through photographs, short animation sequence.
- Purposefully selects and uses a range of techniques to express meaning
- Uses knowledge of resources to edit a piece of digital art using filters and digital enhancements.
Summer A – Printing |
Sensory Experience |
Intentional |
Skill Development |
Functional Skills |
Applied Skills |
- Experiences a range of media, shapes and tools utilising all of the senses e.g. fruit and vegetables, stamps, natural resources, body parts.
- Reaches for and grasps tools, shapes and media
- Reaches for and grasps tools, shapes and media· Notices random marks or impressions they make using printing tools
- Demonstrates interest in print media and shapes through exploration and may develop preferences.
- Uses printing tools and media appropriately
- Increasingly controlled mark making e.g. intentional patterns and pictures.
- Uses more than one colour/tool at a time, unintentionally overlaying prints to make patterns and pictures.
- Selects the correct tools for a specific purpose e.g. building a picture
- Uses tools and materials purposefully in different ways to create different effects e.g. sponge to blend and for texture.
- Demonstrates enjoyment of printing and appreciation of others’ work.
- Purposefully selects and uses a range of printing tools and media to express meaning.
- Creates recognisable finished products with increasing detail
e.g picture of a house.
- Uses shape, pattern and texture to express meaning and mood.
Summer B – Digital Art
- Wassily Kandinski
- Giuseppe Arcimboldo
- Piet Mondrian
- Georges Seurat
- Jackson Pollock
- Andy Goldsworthy
Sensory Experience |
Intentional |
Skill Development |
Functional Skills |
Applied Skills |
- Experiences specific style of art utilising all of the senses and whole body e.g. natural materials for Goldsworthy, kaleidoscope for Kandinsky.
- Reaches for and grasps tools and materials related to the style of the artist
- Pays fleeting attention to artwork from specific artists
- Notices the effects of their movements relating to the style of an artist.
- Demonstrates interest in styles of art through exploration and may develop preferences
- Uses tools and media appropriately to recreate the artists’ style e.g. positioning fruit on a face in the style of Arcimboldo.
- Increasingly controlled actions e.g. repeating dots in the style of Seurat.
- Uses more than one technique at a time, in the style of given artist e.g. pointillism.
- Selects the correct tools for a specific style of work e.g. brushes to splatter paint in the style of Pollock.
- Uses tools in different ways to recreate certain effects e.g. splat paint for Pollock, block print for Mondrian.
- Demonstrates enjoyment of recreating artists work and preferences of style.
- Purposefully selects and uses a range of media to recreate artists work and express meaning
- Creates recognisable finished products using the artist as inspiration
- Notices similarities and differences between styles of art
Art & Design Curriculum Scheme
By the end of key stage 1, pupils will be able to use a wide range of materials creatively to design and produce their own products. They will develop their imagination, techniques and skills in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space. They will be able to identify similarities and differences between different techniques and disciplines and make comments on the work of artists. Through their own designs, they will be able to share personal thoughts, feelings and experiences and make links between their own work and work from other artists.