Physical Education

A – Access

C – Confidence

T – Try

I – Independence

V – Value

E – Enjoy

At Broadmeadow we want to provide opportunities for all of our pupils to ACCESS a wide range of opportunities to be physically active. They will develop their CONFIDENCE to TRY new experiences and participate in activities in their wider community. Pupils will be taught and develop skills which will enable their INDEPENDENCE across all areas of their lives.

We want all members of our school community to understand and promote the VALUE of physical development. We want all members of our school community to be able to ENJOY a wide range of physical activities.

We want all members of our school community to be A.C.T.I.V.E!

P.E. aims to encourage pupils of all abilities to be physically active in school and throughout life. It fosters the development of control and co-ordination in large and small movements, promoting physical strength and self-confidence.

Through increased flexibility it helps our pupils to move confidently in a range of ways, to be able to negotiate obstacles safely whilst striving to achieve their ‘personal best’ and working towards the attainment of physical developmental milestones.

Lessons are carefully planned and designed to be inclusive. Our curriculum schemes ensure that all pupils are given opportunities to experience a range of  activities and resources adapted to meet the different abilities of our children, supporting them to develop a broad range of skills which they can use in different contexts. We are passionate about promoting the enjoyment of physical activity – we want all of our pupils to have fun.

Physical activities also support the development and attainment of skills in other areas of the curriculum e.g. the acquisition of fine motor skills required when learning to write, along with the development of self-care skills linked to everyday life and independence i.e. dressing, washing and feeding.

How is P.E delivered at Broadmeadow?

Here at Broadmeadow P.E. is delivered through the provision of weekly structured P.E. lessons, daily free play and adult choice planned activities taking place both in and outside of the classroom. Individual Occupational and Physiotherapy targets are included in activities throughout the day as appropriate e.g. when pupils are using the sensory gym. In addition, we have a number of Rebound Therapy trained staff who deliver taught sessions on our full size trampoline. Pupils have half term blocks of Rebound Therapy.  Pupils also have half a term of swimming lessons each year during which they work towards attaining accredited certification. Classes also have at least one half term block of offsite P.E visits which focus on using local playground equipment and other facilities to develop physical skills beyond the resources we have at school Physical targets will also frequently form the main focus of Educational visits, Forest school activities and fundraising events. We also provide home learning guidance and physical resources with linked activities for pupils and families to practice and extend skills at home.

As part of the School Sport Partnership, our pupils have opportunities to link, visit and compete with pupils in other similar schools across the Black Country. Activities offered include Boccia, unified football, mini pentathlon, unified tennis and multisport sessions.  ‘Have a go’ taster days provide an opportunity for pupils to try out new and different activities. Periodically sports and activity specialists are also invited into school to deliver specialist sessions.

Physical Education Curriculum Map