- Handles shapes with adult support.
- Notices how things move e.g. swipe to spin a wooden wheel.
Watches an adult explore different shapes e.g rolls ball, slides rectangle |
- Put objects in a box and take them out again.
- Build/stack at least 2 objects.
- Nesting and stacking
- Experience 2D shapes in a range of situations.
- Experience 3D shapes in a range of situations.
- Post a simple shape into a large hole e.g. very simple shape sorter or inset puzzle.
- Notices difference in shapes e.g. sorting balls from socks.
- Build with a range of resources
- Manipulates 3D shapes to fit in to a shape sorter.
- 4 piece inset puzzle matching picture
- Begin to pick out named shapes from a collection. (square, circle, rectangle, triangle)
- Names 2D shapes: square, triangle, circle, rectangle.
- Begins to describe the properties of shape 3D e.g. corner, curved, straight.
- Begin to explore the properties of 2D and 3D shapes e.g. corners, straight, flat, curved, solid with adult support.
- Recall shapes in the real world e.g. shape windows
- Describe the properties of 3d shape e.g. flat, curved, solid, straight, corner, side, edge, face
- Complete inset puzzles and jigsaws by sight
- Shows understanding of position- off, on, up, down, through etc.
- Selects, rotate and manipulate shapes in order to develop spatial reasoning skills using a variety of high-quality pattern and building sets.
- Investigates how shapes can be combined to make new shapes or have two shapes within it e.g. two triangles together make a square.