Curriculum Model


To provide a functional, interest-based curriculum, appropriate and relevant for pupils throughout their primary years, with a strong focus on communication, independence and life skills, making relationships, forming strong attachments, and community inclusion. Learning opportunities are highly motivating to open doors for all pupils to widen their experiences, develop their skills and generalise their knowledge beyond the classroom. Through a creative, fun, and exciting curriculum, that is well matched to pupils ages and stages of development, pupils enjoy learning and achieve very well.>

Curriculum Areas

Communication and Language
Physical Development
Personal, Social
Emotional Development & Relationships
Art & Design
(Including Design & Technology)
Exploring & Experimenting
(Science & Computing)
Culture and Communities
(Geography. History, RE & FL)


Our curriculum has a clear focus on meeting individual needs through stimulating learning experiences. A topic based, cross curricular approach
links concepts within an overarching theme which is designed to be flexible to allow for specific interests, over-learning, reinforcement,
consolidation, generalisation of children’s knowledge & skills. The curriculum is differentiated to ensure the diverse needs of our different
cohorts of pupils are met, ensuring that they all have access to areas of learning which are suited to them. The same overall topic is studied by all
classes within each key stage, with a mixture of approaches employed to support individual learning needs and to enable access for all pupils.
The local and extended community is fully utilised to enhance learning opportunities. Appropriate and effective interventions are used to support
learning, for example PECS, Rebound Therapy, Therapeutic Play, Lego Therapy, Oral Motor Programmes, ABA approaches, Intensive Interaction,
Sensory Integration and Fun with Food.


The curriculum supports pupils to make outstanding progress in all areas of their learning, successfully developing their communication,
confidence, self-help and independent life and living skills. Having aspirational yet realistic expectations results in excellent individual
achievements for pupils. Pupil outcomes are measured from their individual starting points using our own assessment tool (BM Levels) whilst
detailed observations enable staff to plan exciting and motivating activities based on children’s level of interest and engagement in learning.
Appropriate and relevant End of KS assessments, phonics screening, and assessment against pre Key Stage Standards take place in line with
statutory requirements, as appropriate and relevant to individual pupils ages and stages of development.

Download Our Curriculum Model