
Anxiety is a normal emotion that everybody feels at some point in their life. This is because anxiety is there to keep us safe and alert us to possible danger. Anxiety, is more that an emotion and it can affect how a person feels, how they think and what they do. 

When we are anxious, we all react in different ways and sometimes this can make us feel uncomfortable but it is important to remember that it is normal.  

Understanding anxiety and where it comes from can help us to cope and manage these feelings. See below for some useful resources. 

ThinkNinja: Anxiety 

How does anxiety keep us safe? Fight Flight Freeze 

Anxiety in autism explained 

Stories to use with children:

How To Tame My Anxiety Monster – YouTube 

Ruby Finds a Worry- Youtube 

If you feel you would like more information or support, please contact Jackie Proffitt or Claire Temple

Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is used to explain anxiety or stress relating to being away from an attachment figure. You may notice that a child is worrying a lot when they are not with you and that this worry only starts to reduce when they are at home.

Separation Anxiety In Children: What You Need To Know


Some symptoms of separation anxiety can include:

  • Clinging to parents/ carers
  • Extreme or prolonged crying
  • Refusal to do things that require separation
  • Physical illness, such as headaches or vomiting
  • Violent or emotional displays of behaviour
  • Reduced school engagement
  • Difficulty sleeping alone
  • Nightmares


Tips for parents and carers:

Information adapted from: How to help with separation anxiety | Early Years in Mind | Anna Freud Centre

  1. Avoid overnight separations until the child is older where possible
  2. Engage your child in games or activities that help them learn that people do not ‘disappear’ when they go out of sight and that you will come back even if you go away.
  3. Practice short separations from your child to begin with. Gradually work towards longer separations and leaving them in less familiar settings.
  4. Before a separation, help your child become familiar with the new places they will be in, and the people they will be with.
  5. Tell the child what is going to be happening at least a few days before it takes place, using simple and straightforward language, with a confident and factual tone of voice. Give the child room to ask questions.
  6. Tell the child what they’ll be doing while they are apart from you. Talk about what you are going to do when you see them again, so they can look forward to it. Reassure the child that you’ll be thinking about them, and that the child can think about you while you’re apart. Even for younger children who can’t speak, they may understand a simple explanation, and will understand a reassuring, loving tone of voice.
  7. Try to make ‘saying goodbye’ a positive time. Don’t sneak away, but make sure to say goodbye and tell them that you’re leaving. Even if you are feeling sad or worried, if you can smile and say goodbye confidently, your child will feel more confident.
  8. Give your child a big hug to greet them when you return. But don’t be concerned if they don’t greet you joyfully, they may be angry or avoiding looking at you. This is normal and try not to take offence. In fact, this is a good sign as it means they are confident enough in their relationship with you to let you know you that they are not happy. Tell them how happy you are to be back together, and how you missed them when you were apart.

If you feel you would like more information or support, please contact Jackie Proffitt or Clare Temple.

Low Mood

Anyone can experience low mood and it is one of the most common psychological difficulties. Low mood can vary from person to person. Sometimes stressful or difficult things can trigger low mood but sometimes it feels like it comes from nowhere.

Low mood is different from feeling sad. We all feel sad from time to time but thus often passes. With low mood, the feelings of sadness seem to stick around and it can be difficult to see how to feel happy again.

Low mood is more that an emotion and it can affect how a person feels, how they think and what they do.

When we are low in mood, people often start doing less of the things we enjoy. So trying to plan meaningful and enjoyable activities into daily routines can be a good place to start when thinking about managing low mood.

ThinkNinja: Low Mood

If you feel you would like more information or support, please contact Jackie Proffitt or Clare Temple.

Additional Support

When we are trying to deal with difficult emotions, it can be really useful to talk to somebody. See below for information about how you can seek additional support.


Free 24/7 mental health text support



SANE runs a national, out-of-hours mental health helpline offering specialist emotional support and information to anyone affected by mental illness, including family, friends and carers. The helpline is open every day of the year from 6pm to 11pm. The helpline can be reached on 0300 304 7000


Working to create an environment where mental health is openly discussed and supported within minority ethnic communities in the UK.


Call for free: 116 123

Find information online or use the self-help app

The Black, African and Asian Therapy Network

Find a directory of therapists of Black, African, Asian or Caribbean heritage

Black Minds Matter

Connects Black individuals and families to free mental health support provided by Black therapists


Working with Punjabi communities to create spaces where people can access mental health support and education. You can join their virtual forums for men, women and LGBTQIA+ people

YoungMinds Parents Helpline

Offering free, confidential online and telephone support, including information and advice, to any adult worried about the emotional problems, behaviour or mental health of a child or young person up to the age of 25. The helpline is open from 9:30am-4:00pm, Monday-Friday. You can also call them on 0808 802 5544.


For support, advice and information

Visit or Call 0800 1111

In an emergency call 999